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The Trabelia Round (10km)

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This trail is groomed every day through the season and the terrain allows for good tracks even when the weather isn’t the best. There are some fun descents along the track!

The track is taking you through some open marshlands as well as sheltered birch forests. 

Everyone that are able to do cross country skiing and to be in control down the descents, plowing or in the track, are able to make this tour. This is a nice tour for those who like to stay close to civilization as there are settlements and roads close to the track, you still get the feeling of being in untouched nature!. There are possibilities of making the tour longer or shorter if desired.

The startingpoint is at the parking lot at Lundes. The tour goes towards Granhaugen-Lundtjønn-Svarttippa-Rauhaugen-Trabelia and then back through Langbakken-Rondevegen. The tour finish where it started.

There is a crossroad at Granhaugen where you take to the west towards Lundtjønn. From Svarttippa you take to the west towards Rauhaugen. From Trabelia it’s possible to choose two different routes back to Lundes. Either you cross the road or you take the steep hill up towards the Trabeli Mountain. Regardless which way you choose, now take to the east towards Langbakken and follow the signs for Rondevegen and your starting point at Lundes.

Groomed trails – take a look at to get the latest update on when the trails are prepared.

The tour as a whole is 10 km. There are possibilities of making it longer or shorter if desired. It’s possible to connect with the trails around Dynjefjell and further on to the trail around Svartfjell.

Variated and fun terrain for skiing. Great ski trails. Sheltered birch forests that will form interesting shapes after a snowfall. This might be the perfect place for a “Troll-hunt” for the whole family.

Bring a map of the ski trails; this is to be bought at the tourism establishments in the destination. The tour is clearly signposted. Take a look at before you get out, seeing when the trail was groomed. If you care about your ski-equipment it’s recommended to take your skis of when crossing a road. Bring your camera – it might be you who captures the funniest “Troll-picture” on the tour.



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Tel.: 61 28 40 00

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Lundes Turisthandel
2632 Venabygd

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