Excellent high-mountain ride along a fast flowing single-track route with exhilarating descents. With a bike, the route is technically challenging.
Skeikampen – Dørdalen – Storrøgna – Slagsfjella – Skeikampen
Book transport or ride the 12 km Peer Gynt Road (Peer Gynt Vegen) up to the trail junction by Larvheitjønnin. Follow the way-marked (T) Peer Gynt trail running underneath the power line up to the top of Røgnhøgda. As you reach the Storrøgna lake, turn left across the stream and follow the trail on the southern side of the lake. Follow this slightly hilly route almost all the way to Skardbua. By the small tarn you see as you ride down the final descent, turn right onto the route signposted "S8 Slagsfjellrunden". Follow this to the top.
Enjoy the gentle, winding downhill section on the western side of the Øvre Massingtjønnet tarn, leading towards the Peer Gynt Road. Turn left onto "Kristian-råket" (wooden sign), and then drop down the final steep segment.
Follow "Kristian-råket" over the top and onto the Ørnkampen ridge. Keep left, and continue down towards the Svarttjønnet tarn and further on across the river to the trail junction on the western side of Avlundkampen. Turn right, and keep the speed up until you reach the welcoming Skeistua guesthouse offering sour-cream waffles and well-deserved cold drinks.
(Source: Kippernes, Kristoffer. Stisykling i Norge, 2014).
The route is not fully way-marked, and map is required. There are grazing sheep and cattle in the area.
- Länge in km - 25 km
Allgemeine Einrichtungen
- freies Parken
- 3 Stunden
- Farblich markierte Wanderwege (Schwierigkeitsgrad)
- anspruchsvolle
Natur und Landschaft
- bergiges Terrain
- Gesamtaufstieg - 764 m
- Kies
- kleinen Pfad
- Weg
- June - October
- nicht beleuchtet Spur