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Mjøstråkk (241,7 km)

The main street in Lillehammer
  • The main street in Lillehammer
  • Along the cycling route Mjøstråkk
  • Along the cycling route Mjøstråkk


The Mjøstråkk bike route offers a wonderful combination of cycling and experiences. It takes you through some of Norway's most beautiful cultural landscapes, around Norway's largest lake, and provides a variety of cultural attractions, and spectacular viewpoints. Along the way, you pass a wide range of accommodations, places to eat, as well as museums, galleries, and farm shops.

In other words, Mjøstråkk is more than just a bike ride around Mjøsa; it is a unique opportunity to experience the region's diverse offerings, enjoy the nature, culture, and local flavors along the way.

A comprehensive map (from 2013) can be purchased for NOK 100 at tourist offices around Mjøsa. The map provides information about the route, elevation profile, tips for accommodation, dining options, and attractions along the entire route.

You can download GPS data for the entire route:
Download Mjøstråkk as a .GPX-file

You can choose where you want to start. If you start in the south and cycle on the west side, the route goes from Minnesund over Hurdal and Totenåsen to Skreia, Kapp, and Gjøvik. Continuing north, the journey goes through Biri to Lillehammer, where Mjøsa ends. The route then heads south again through Brøttum, Moelv, Brumunddal to Hamar. The final part passes Stange and Tangen before returning to the starting point, Minnesund. You can choose to cycle the entire route or select sections that suit you best. Some stretches have challenging uphill sections, such as from Minnesund to Totenåsen or along the stretch between Lillehammer and Gjøvik. These parts of the route are classified as demanding.

Minnesund - Hamar: 53 km - Moderate/easy
Hamar - Lillehammer: 61 km - Moderate/easy
Lillehammer - Gjøvik: 48 km - Moderately challenging
Gjøvik - Minnesund: 72 km - Challenging

For those who wish to cycle the entire route, there are several accommodation options along the way. Fine hotels and hostels can be found in all four Mjøs cities: Gjøvik, Lillehammer, Brumunddal, and Hamar. In addition, several campsites are located along Mjøstråkk, right by Mjøsa. However, if you prefer to stay in more rural and charming farm surroundings, you can choose one of the many farms along the route. It is advisable to book accommodation in advance.
Accommodation in Lillehammer

We believe that Mjøstråkk is much more than just a bike tour around Mjøsa. Take your time, use the day to visit some of the fantastic attractions along the way. There are plenty of cultural landmarks, museums, farm shops, and cozy eateries. Feel free to visit one of our tourist offices to hear our recommendations!

Sights you should visit in Lillehammer:
Lillehammer Art Museum
Lysgårdsbakkene Ski Jumping Arena
Galleri Zink

Mjøstråkk can be cycled clockwise or counterclockwise. Additionally, you can start from anywhere. Parking facilities are available in all Mjøs cities and villages. 

If you only have a few days available and want to cycle a section of Mjøstråkk, it is easiest to organize on the east side of Mjøsa. Here, you can take the train back to the starting point. This is also possible by using Skibladner, for example, from Gjøvik/Hamar to Lillehammer or vice versa.

Access by public transportation:
All the cities along Mjøstråkk can be reached by train from Oslo. If coming from the north, a bus is needed to reach Gjøvik. You can plan your journey to your desired starting point on

Please note! If you want to use your own bike on this bike trip, please note the following:
You can only reserve a space for bicycles on the Gjøvik Line and on the F6 long-distance trains between Oslo and Trondheim on the Dovre Line. This means that your trip must start and or end in either Gjøvik, Hamar or Lillehammer.



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2609 Lillehammer

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